Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stir Fry

As a result of planning our wedding, taking engagement photos, and moving I haven't been able to post as faithfully as when I had first started. I took time out over the weekend to make one of my favorite entrees:

Stir Fry
cubed steak - brown and cubed
teriyaki sauce

 In a large kettle or a wok heat a small amout of oil, add ingredients. You can use as much  or as little of the ingredients as you like. For us I load up on cabbage, carrots and broccoli!

Home raised corn fed beef! (Cubed Steak)

I normally prepare ours over medium heat. Stir quite often. When you notice the vegatables are getting soft, sprinkle teriyako sauce in and continue to fry. Once your stir fry has a nice caramelized look it's ready to serve! 

A few ingredients


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